Innovative Solutions for Precision Inhalation and Particle Exposure Systems

What's New At CH Technologies?   
New Product! CH Technologies (USA) is pleased to announce that we have entered a distribution agreement with MedTec Biolabs Inc. for their In-Vitro systems. .
Case Studies! New Customer? Please check out this snapshot of our track record..
New Product! Introducing the Partector 2 Pro, which includes an additional eight-channel size distribution of your ultrafine aerosol concentration..
New Pricing! Please select for further information: As of 2022 all product lines will see a ten percent pricing increase.
New Products! There is a need for research in how particles are spread, by whom, and the effectiveness of a mask. 3 new research tools, by Palas®, to further advance the capabilites of we currently can measure.
New Product! The CHεST® simulates conditions and particles produced during both respiratory exhalation and coughs/sneezes.

New Product! Palas® PMFT 1000, a complete testing platform for researching the performance of N95, N99 half-mask respirators and associated filter media.
New Product! BFE Test Rig allows for testing of Medical Face Mask materials and filters according to ASTM 2101, IS 16289, and EN 14683 with Staphylococcus Aureus.
Medical Face Mask Filtration Testing: A proposal for a simplified and expedient method for the Evaluation of Functional Filtration Efficiency (FFE)
New Product! 48 Jet BLAM for high output capabilities.
New Product! Multi-FLuid BLAM Nozzle for even more versatility in the BLAM product range.
New Product! Partector 2 featuring measurement of Particle Number and Average Diameter with LDSA.
New Product! Optional higher temperature tolerant collison.
New Product! Juul and IQOS adapters for Cigarette and E-cigarette ports.
New Product! In-Vitro exposure system for low cost applications. Allows the user to expose the same well plates the cells were incubated in.
New models of BLAM available like low flow versions for high concentrations and the 4 fluid nozzle for aerosolizing non mixing liquids.
New Product! MDI Actuator for aerosol generation with off the shelf inhalers.
New Product! Skin Exposure System for Humans and Animals.
CH Technologies (USA) has purchased the rights and remaining stock of the Collison nebulizer line from Mesa Laboratories.
New research poster using the Vilnius Aerosol Generator by Zhili Li et al. at Insmed.
Simple and cost effective E-cigarette puffing machine, ideally suited for small scale analytical or inhalation exposure applications.
Improved design for our Nose Only Exposure Systems that now utilize a seated O-ring in the connector cone for a better seal.
CH Technologies has installed an environmental monitoring station at the Fort Lee Public Library.
The data obtained from monitoring with Palas' Fidas 200 and Naneos' Partector at Rutger's PAM site has been assessed.
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