Innovative Solutions for Precision Inhalation and Particle Exposure Systems
What's New At CH Technologies?
New Product! CH Technologies (USA) is pleased to announce that we have entered a distribution agreement with MedTec Biolabs Inc. for their In-Vitro systems. . |
Case Studies! New Customer? Please check out this snapshot of our track record.. |
New Product! Introducing the Partector 2 Pro, which includes an additional eight-channel size distribution of your ultrafine aerosol concentration.. |
New Pricing! Please select for further information: As of 2022 all product lines will see a ten percent pricing increase. |
New Products! There is a need for research in how particles are spread, by whom, and the effectiveness of a mask. 3 new research tools, by Palas®, to further advance the capabilites of we currently can measure. |
New Product! The CHεST® simulates conditions and particles produced during both respiratory exhalation and coughs/sneezes. |

New Product! Palas® PMFT 1000, a complete testing platform for researching the performance of N95, N99 half-mask respirators and associated filter media. |
New Product! BFE Test Rig allows for testing of Medical Face Mask materials and filters according to ASTM 2101, IS 16289, and EN 14683 with Staphylococcus Aureus. |
Medical Face Mask Filtration Testing: A proposal for a simplified and expedient method for the Evaluation of Functional Filtration Efficiency (FFE) |
New Product! 48 Jet BLAM for high output capabilities. |
New Product! Multi-FLuid BLAM Nozzle for even more versatility in the BLAM product range. |
New Product! Partector 2 featuring measurement of Particle Number and Average Diameter with LDSA. |
New Product! Optional higher temperature tolerant collison. |
New Product! Juul and IQOS adapters for Cigarette and E-cigarette ports. |
New Product! In-Vitro exposure system for low cost applications. Allows the user to expose the same well plates the cells were incubated in. |
New models of BLAM available like low flow versions for high concentrations and the 4 fluid nozzle for aerosolizing non mixing liquids. |
New Product! MDI Actuator for aerosol generation with off the shelf inhalers. |
New Product! Skin Exposure System for Humans and Animals. |
CH Technologies (USA) has purchased the rights and remaining stock of the Collison nebulizer line from Mesa Laboratories. |
New research poster using the Vilnius Aerosol Generator by Zhili Li et al. at Insmed. |
Simple and cost effective E-cigarette puffing machine, ideally suited for small scale analytical or inhalation exposure applications. |
Improved design for our Nose Only Exposure Systems that now utilize a seated O-ring in the connector cone for a better seal. |
CH Technologies has installed an environmental monitoring station at the Fort Lee Public Library. |
The data obtained from monitoring with Palas' Fidas 200 and Naneos' Partector at Rutger's PAM site has been assessed. |